Hi Angel,

From Wounded Healer to Shadow Alchemy, Karmic Clearing & Quantum Manifesting, I’m not a Therapist in the traditional sense.

Here’s part of my story

My deepest traumas (in this life) come from my mum and dad’s divorce, my dad’s (then) alcoholism, psychological / emotional abuse from extended family members, my whole family tearing apart & separating, my sister leaving our childhood home and ‘adults’ shadow dumping projections on to innocent children. From sexual shame to lies, deceits, aggressive manipulation and passive tolerance of visual abuse, my joy suffered.

My deepest pain was that ‘perfection’ can turn into hell and ‘there’s nothing you can do about it’. This catalyst in my life created a strong protective layer around my heart and became a tough shell to crack open, which lead me to explore mind altering drugs as a way to escape underlying depression and abandonment. I had unknowingly created a whole identity around strength, my tolerance for drugs growing and my capacity to handle survival situations a comforting numbness.

Inside there were so many broken pieces that were too ashamed to be seen and didn’t feel worthy of being seen either. These hidden aspects of my identity only started to expose themselves after a pre-mature awakening initiated a healing crisis when I was 20. This was the moment when I believe my Highest Self came ‘online’ to redirect my path, however I have no way to prove this, other than what unfolded because of that life changing moment.

Entering the underworld of shadows and subconscious distortions that challenge your identity and turn your world upside down and inside out is ‘supposed’ to happen around midlife according to Psychoanalyst Carl Jung; when your ego identity has exhausted itself with external pursuits and attachments. When the control over these false sources of security and identities start to wane many people experience a ‘midlife crisis’. The times we live in now, these ‘dark nights of the soul’ happen earlier, however I wasn’t expecting to fall apart at 20, when my life had seemingly just begun.

Safe to say the false facade of strength I was pretending to wear fell away pretty quickly, exposing everything I’d been hiding, unconsciously unaware of and quite frankly not at all wanting to look at. From seeming confidence that I had convinced myself and others of before, my hormonal system collapsed, and my self esteem fell to the floor with it.

From acne, to PCOS, to amenorrhea, to insomnia, to manic anxiety, to body dysmorphia, to 11 food allergies, to a cyst on my right ovary, to depression and suicidal thoughts. I remember staring across the grey sky in London sick and tired of life already, thinking ‘if this is it, I don’t want it.’ I remember feeling so alone and at the same time feeling like I didn’t really belong here anyway, which was strangely comforting.

My own healing journey began when I left the doctors office in pieces, saying no to antibiotics, antidepressants and birth control pill as the solution to my hormonal breakdown and spiritual depression. I didn’t have the answers when I was 19, but I knew that painting the leaves green wasn’t going to breathe life into me again. Sometimes medicine is the miracle we need, but not always. For this I was compelled to go in search of the roots, even though I had no idea what I was looking for.

As everyone carried on with their lives on the outside, I started to change my direction and now my inner world, the language of my body, the sensitivity within me that was making itself very clear were the only guiding lights I trusted.

I was first drawn to Eastern medicine practices and my body responded remarkably quickly to medicinal herbs and acupuncture. I was inspired by the holistic approach to healing as something felt very ‘right’ about this way of connecting mind, body and spiritual practice, even though at the time I didn’t know why.

I would later follow this thread of inspiration by becoming a Practitioner in Systematic Kinesiology - a powerful combination of Eastern Philosophy and Western Psychology; equal parts the subconscious mind as well as understanding the chakra system and our subtle energy bodies. This was modern day witchcraft for me and so many dots started to join together. The link between the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual dimensions was clear as day to me. To be honest, I felt like I was remembering something I had learned many times and I was healing because of it.

Before that though, I had studied and become a Practitioner in Nutritional Therapist, with a particular fascination and interest in ‘epi-genetics’; how our subconscious programmes and our environments affect our gene expression. With all of this combined I was using myself as my first case study, activating key archetypes within me that were opening the path for me to seek deeper wisdom, practices and methodologies that started to shape into my destiny.

I wanted to not only understand, but to embody, share and teach with others what I was experiencing within myself.

I later studied Hypnotherapy, NLP, CBT, Psychology and Parts Therapy through the award winning therapy style Rapid Transformational Therapy, giving me the depth of knowledge to understand the nature of the subconscious mind through the lense of childhood trauma and how ‘on the surface problems’ we think are problems, are cries for help that go way deeper than what our eyes can see.

However even with all these incredible bodies of knowledge and sets of skills there was still something missing in my tool box and my Seeker archetype wasn’t settled yet.

That’s when shadow work found me in 2019, during an afternoon of channeled rituals that I experimented with during a surge of rage that threatened everything I had seemingly brought into peace. That’s when I realised the power of turning towards the darkness with intention to understand it. In fact all the inner work I had done, was preparing me for shadow work and for these deeper confrontations I was going to have between parts so hidden, they were beyond this life time and beyond me.

I was ready to experience what Wholeness was really about.

Shadow work also found me in the rise and hype of the ‘law of attraction’ movement. When manifestation coaches and spiritual ideologies focused so much on surface level conscious wishes and desires that bypassed an inordinately large shadow growing in the collective and within the individual. Through this disembodied empowerment and transcendental spirituality, shadow work brought me to my knees to show me where love really needed to shine and what being a light worker actually entailed. So my destiny called.

At this point I trained as a SEER facilitator, which expanded my awareness to past lives, to karmic imprints, to quantum manifesting, to the laws of the universe and to the many subtle layers of distortion that block authentic soul expression. I was ready to allow these teachers that came into my life at this time, to initiate a process within me that helped me to see everything with one eye, rather than two.

I came face to face with some of my deepest fears over those following years and made a commitment to shadow work which transformed my way of being in service that now I simply deepen with every beautiful soul I learn from.

Through shadow work, I deepened my understanding and embodiment of archetypal empowerment, the collective consciousness and the language of the soul.

Then The Compassion Key came into my life and gave me the tool I was waiting for that has helped me to take the complexity of everything I have come to learn and understand and apply it through a comprehensive methodology that has completely liberated my intuitive capabilities as a healer archetype.

I have now spent the last year training as a Compassion Key Practitioner, taking individuals through subconscious journeys to clear hidden karmic imprints and subconscious programmes from this life time, past life times, interlocking traumas from ancestral influences and from the collective karmic field that we inhabit when we are born.

I am now in a process of helping people to collapse time and change their experience of reality from the inside out, de armouring their heart and experiencing miracles in a matter of weeks or a few months, rather than years.

Befriending my sensitivity and the emotional intelligence trapped behind masks of false strength has made me the therapist that I am today and has taught me how self directed compassion and accurate understanding can heal all separated parts of your psyche damaged by trauma and bring them home to a peace you didn’t think was ever going to be possible again (but it is).

I am not a therapist who just tells you what you want to hear, sugarcoats your own distortions and puts soothing balm over your bleeding wounds. I understand the layers of protection that keep you from seeing and with care, I help you to take off these veils and become more comfortable in the uncomfortability of your tender heart that holds so much.

I help you to find the words and to offer compassion to parts so unseen they have lost hope in being found. I help you remember the wisdom within your emotions and your intuitive connection to life; through the feminine.

I help you become empowered from the inside and through your action, so that you can affect change, by first not fooling yourself of your own shadow. By communicating from your heart, by hearing the power in your truth, and to witness how that expression of sovereignty is a magical power you’ve long since been denied and afraid of.

I’m not afraid to explore the other side of the coin with you either, to explore how you've perhaps been affected by the persecution imprint but also where you too have behaved in ways that perhaps harbours guilt.

I’m not afraid to be honest. That shamed people can also shame people. Hurt people can also hurt people. The victim can be the bully and the wounded child can become a tyrant. I’m not afraid to look deeper than what life presents, and that’s how I know that everyone deserves compassion for the systemic traumas that split them from their true spirit, even beyond this life time. That even looking on the surface to this life time isn’t enough to heal from the roots of why we suffer in silence and project our pain on to the outer layers that we see.

I respect patience and the notion that your soul is not in a rush, but your ego is. I respect that the laws of this universe will always show you exactly what is inside you. I simply help you understand yourself better and to take your power back in seeing that life is truly a loving mirror rather than an oppressive one. That life is in favour of life and that I, as a wounded healer myself and loving spiritual guide am not here to know what is best for you, but to help you open up your heart, by de armouring it, so that you can listen to your own guidance.