Love, Prosperity

& Miracles

Heal core wounds related to the key currencies of life.

A 1:1 facilitated 6 week journey that restores your true worth and value from the inside out.

Miracles are included.

Root cause focused; this life, past lives, ancestors.

Subconscious influences

The hidden truth

What lies beneath

95 % of your programmed beliefs, your emotional memory, attachments and karmic imprints are hidden in the realm of the subconscious mind. Once you know this, it becomes less of a surprise that despite keen attempts to consciously wish and desire the life that you want to create and experience (through the well known ‘Law of Attraction’ approach and manifestation methodologies) most of these conscious attempts are met with disappointment by perhaps the opposite of what was wanted.

This is because, unless the subconscious mind is in ‘agreement’ with that conscious wish and desire, hidden subconscious influences create an even deeper current of attraction that in time exposes a ‘self fulfilling prophecy’ that remained in the shadows, unseen and undetected.

This hidden point of attraction is your survival programme that runs unconsciously in the background and often conflicts with your conscious attempt to control your reality. This is why the ‘Law of Attraction’ framework feels incomplete. This is where love, money and miracle blocks will be found and cleared throughout this programme, at this deeper point of attraction.

Even though it’s often the last place you want to look, because of the suffering that lingers there, these hidden and undetected points of attraction at the subconscious level set you free once acknowledged, understood and brought into the light.

It takes a great deal of energy to suppress, deny and ignore these hidden aspects of your human experience. A significant amount of your life force energy is used to habitually turn away from these hidden pain points.

There might be a background discomfort like anxiety, low self esteem or an awareness of certain attachment styles, but few people look deeper at the root causes of these symptoms because for many, they don’t know where to start or what to do.

By doing deep inner work with guided support, you will recover your vital life force energy and integrate the wisdom dwelling within the most unreachable places, previously your blind spots.

Rather than an identity bound by a limited programme, that is out-dated, you unlock your authentic self so that your experience is that of a free spirit, made to manifest as a Creator.

Your authentic self already beholds the quality of the world you truly desire to see and experience, in full alignment with the whole of your being; body, mind and soul. So by working through subconscious distortion, you ‘clear the window’ so that more of your Soul’s light can shine through into form, without interference or obstruction.

This is how you cause an effect in our own life and in other people’s too, by being the example and the invitation.

That’s powerful and that’s how I can help you; to become empowered, from the inside out.

This I believe is the paradigm shift we’re all here for.

The 6 week Programme

Week One: “I deserve” & Anatomy of a Miracle

In this first week, we clear your subconscious blocks to receiving more love and more money, by looking at your resistance towards “I deserve”. We use your goals as a diagnostic to expose where there is resistance and trace this back to past experiences, present day blocks and future projections, to clear these interferences from the root and at the karmic level. This session thoroughly sets you up for the rest of the programme.

2 hr deep dive session


Week Two: Mother’s Story

In the second week, we explore your relationship with your Mother. What was her relationship like to money? What are her patterns related to love? This week we clear these subconscious programmes and karmic imprints at the root, exposing hidden blindspots within you and within your body, from conception. This exposes where parts of your Mother’s story may have become your own. By doing this we restore the true worth and value of these integral currencies in your own life and in your own way; rewriting the script of your past, present and future relationship to love, money and miracles.

2 hr deep dive session


Week Three: Father’s Story

In the third week, we explore your relationship with your Father. What was his relationship like to money? What are his patterns related to love? This week we clear these subconscious programmes and karmic imprints at the root, exposing hidden blindspots within you and within your body, from conception. This exposes where parts of your Father’s story may have become your own. By doing this we restore the true worth and value of these integral currencies in your own life and in your own way; rewriting the script of your past, present and future relationship to love, money and miracles.

2 hr deep dive session


Week Four: “Not Good Enough”

In the fourth week we explore a core wound and a very relatable imprint of ‘not feeling good enough’. In this session we will unravel through a hidden subconscious pattern that interferes with our ability to be in an open and receptive state of trusting abundance in all forms. Working through 3 layers of influence related to this core wound, from avoidance patterns, to blame, to self shut down, we clear these imprints at the root. This restores your true worth and value and further opens up your field to receiving all that is and has been available for you to experience now.

2 hr deep dive session


Week Five: Ancestors

In the fifth week, we explore the story of your ancestors. What was their relationship like to money, to survival, to worth and value? What were their circumstances like? What are the imprints that run throughout your lineage? Do you find yourself coming up against the same adversaries? This week we clear these deep karmic entanglements related to these core currencies in your life; clearing blocks like vows, guilt, shame, fear, poverty consciousness and other survival imprints that interfere with you experiencing abundance, ease and creative resourcefulness in your life today. This session we evolve the story of your ancestors through you, with compassion.

2 hr deep dive session


Week Six: “I Surrender”

In this last week, we look deeper into your relationship with your Highest Self, your intuitive guidance and your spiritual connection to your Higher Purpose. You might think you want to surrender to your most magical life that aligns with universal laws and miracles, however there can be hidden fears in letting go to that initiation. In this clearing we will explore this life as well as past life influences that expose why handing your life over to your highest self and surrendering to it might be a ‘risk’ or a ‘danger’ to you. When you’re not afraid of your own magic and you trust your non physical team, well magic happens.

2 hr deep dive session


Can you imagine what it would be like when...

You feel worthy of love

Instead of being self-critical, feeling unworthy and resorting to perfectionism, you know how to be your own best friend, no matter what’s going on in your life. Let go of blocks that stop you treating yourself with love and respect, so that other people start mirroring back your own attitude.

You feel worthy to receive

Your capacity to receive is like a muscle: the more you work it, the more you’re open to good things in life. What if you could let go of the limiting stories that block your capacity to receive?

You feel worthy of abundance

Say goodbye to playing small, diminishing your value and your gifts. Some of your resistance to abundance can be displaced loyalty to your ancestors and immediate family: who am I to be wealthy, healthy, abundant and prosperous. if they had suffered so much. You and your ancestors can become a team in opening you to more goodness in life.

You feel worthy of support

You don’t need to struggle alone. You’ve tried the strategy of being self-sufficient, and yes, you have survived, but it’s time to open to more loving support in life, so that you can start thriving.

From the Heart Warrior’s themselves

“Pearl’s guidance through the Compassion Key has been transformative beyond words."

Pearl’s guidance through the Compassion Key has been transformative beyond words. She was able to bring forth a very difficult topic in our Compassion Key journey - my fear of death related to my health issues. Through her compassionate mentorship, I’ve confronted this once daunting fear, emerging with a newfound sense of peace and acceptance. No longer suppressed in darkness, death is now a manageable concept, thanks to Pearl’s dedication and attention on this topic with me. Her wisdom, support, and intuitive direction have played a huge part in my path towards healing all of the parts within me to come together and feel whole. Within the nurturing environment of our cohort of women, each session was enriched by diverse perspectives, deepening our collective understanding and growth. Through this process, I’ve truly seen myself, embracing layers of doubt and fear with newfound courage. This process remains in my life as a tool that I regularly use and have come to love intimately, guiding me towards profound inner peace and empowerment. I’m so grateful for Pearl’s transformative influence, I cherish our journey together. Thank you!

Ravi Events & Artist Coordinator

“I just wanted to say a big THANKYOU!"

I just wanted to say a big THANK-YOU for this whole journey. You’ve enabled me to see my life, past and present from new perspectives that are changing my life for the better. I can now embrace my healing journey in the certainty that my inner child now protected and loved, embraces that journey with me. That I have the power and potential within me, alongside all these teachings to step forward in the direction of my dreams, not from need, but from inspiration. What a gift. Thank you!

Wendy Personal Trainer

“Before my sessions with Pearl, I had a fear of empowerment.”

Before my sessions with Pearl I had a fear of empowerment. As much as I was aware of our incredible gift to manifest everything we can imagine, my ego would try to take personal advantage of the abundance that I'm able to create. I would often feel like 'I don't deserve this'

I was distracting myself, procrastinating and focusing on perfectionism as an illusion for not moving forward in my journey, staying in this "in-between zone."

I was keeping one step in the old paradigm in some way.

Now I feel like I can embrace the fact that I have actually everything I need, and that this willingness to make things happen works for me when I stay in the flow, trusting my intuition and letting go of all illusions of self.

I have clarity and deeper self knowledge. I understand now the importance of staying true to my integrity.

Antoine Spiritual Mentor & Guide

“The compassion key changed my life.”

The compassion key changed my life. Pearl’s mastery of the tool and capacity to hold space for me to heal unconscious, broken parts of me truly was the most surprising, transforming process. I wrote down 3 miracles that I didn't believe possible when we started, and a few months later each of these miracles is in motion and BEYOND what I believed possible. I've learned through this process our power only emerges when we can give compassion to the broken, hurt parts of us. Radical self-compassion through the meditative words "I'm so sorry" changes everything.

Mel Co founder ‘OneThousandClub’

“It really blew my mind!”

Pearl has an incredible sensibility and guided our sessions with her beautiful caring presence and wisdom. She took me on a deep and beautiful journey, uncovering the layers that lie in the depth of my being. It really blew my mind how acknowledging the shadows parts in ourselves can shift our energetic field, and support our path to wholeness and radical acceptance, opening up to the many forms life can take. I felt how a lot of my resistance lies in the dark, and by looking at it clearly and with compassion, a whole new space opened up inside, clearing old belief systems and giving space for new perspectives. The space for miracles to enter our lives. :) Thank you Pearl. I am so grateful! Waw. ❤️

Arianne Photographer

“ Pearl will take you somewhere very new on this incredible journey.“

Pearl accompanied me for this extended period of time, guiding me though deeper inner work process’ based around shadow work. She has had incredible insights and intuition regarding my journey, every session met me in the exact place I needed to be. I have her to thank for a great deal of the inner strength I have discovered, for the knowledge and the wisdom that I collected into actions aligned with my true self. Pearl will take you somewhere very new on this incredible journey. Thank you!

Alessandra Artistic Creator, Property Developer

“This is Magic and Life Changing!”

I just sat for a second and put some music on and started to cry and say thankyou thank you thank you out loud. I’m so grateful for you sharing your energy and wisdom with me. It’s really hard to find a therapist that I resonate with and who truly gets it. I’m feeling very unintentionally emotional right now. Thank you so much. This is magic and life changing.

I feel so bless to have found someone I can work with like you. Was talking to my boyfriend about it and how much my life has changed since last December. Honestly sososo grateful - Thank you.

Katie Marketing Agency

“This programme so far has completely changed the way I live my life already.”

It’s been one month so far ... I’m learning to accept what is and find out how to heal parts of myself that have been buried deep within. Healing them by bringing them to the surface and into the light. Accepting them and befriending them so that we can move forwards with love and wholeness. We’ve uncovered some learned beliefs from my earlier life and even from lives that are not my own. I’ve already started to cut these chords and I feel lighter and more accepting. This is only month one!

This programme so far has completely changed the way I live my life already.

Victoria Yoga Teacher & Art Therapist

“As we turn a new chapter on the Shift, transitioning through 2024, a broad swathe of humanity is entering the Karmic plane of the 4D. How will you experience it? What will you likely encounter and how will you best process through?”


About Pearl

Pearl is a Certified Practitioner of The Compassion Key Method, a Rapid Transformational Therapist, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Shadow Work Facilitator, Archetypal Empowerment Mentor and Applied Kinesiologist. She works with clients from all over the world, both online and in person to unlock the powers that change their lives for the better.

After a pre-mature awaking at 20 years old, which set off a healing crisis and an archetypal conflict that plummeted her into her underworld, her destiny as a wounded healer became in service to the wisdom that the body keeps, the untapped power within our shadows and healing trauma as a path back to inner and outer liberation, to find the angels we have been looking for our whole lives - our true selves.

"When we focus on practices and healing modalities that integrate the essential elements of our wellbeing, we experience an abundance of peace, happiness and pleasure in our lives."

She believes deeply and beyond all doubt, that everybody has access to the power and healing potential they need to bring all separated parts of their being into a greater whole. That everybody is a conduit of intelligence and that they have the capacity to experience an indestructible peace inside their body, inside their mind and most importantly, within their own hearts.

Her invitation in more recent years has been to cultivate a trusting relationship with her intuitive guidance, to then assist others, with loving support, to do the same.

Read more about Pearl’s Story.

Book a Call

Whether you’re curious and have questions or you’re ready to take the first step with me, you will need to book a clarity call so that we can connect and organise our journey together.

Every great adventure starts with a single step. For this inner adventure, it would be my pleasure to be by your side in support of your greatness.

The total investment for this 6 week programme (12 hours 1:1 sessions, plus extended resources) is £1111/ €1300

2 payment instalments can also be arranged.

This first call is complementary, so if you would like to connect and ask questions, before you commit to anything, please select a day and time below: